I thought this would go quickly and smoothly because the bags had a good size sample of sunblock. Now I am talking nice sun block, the fancy name brand kind that doesn't even smell like sunblock. Who wouldn't want that? Well the answer is pretty much everyone.
This very sample.
I was falbbergasted for two reasons. One, who doesn't want a free sample? I mean it is free and you get something? In this case something useful!, after all it is summer and UV safety month. I seriously go out of my way for free samples. I take them from stores, sign up for them online, and buy products that come with extra mini items. I even try things I know that I won't like and take things I won't use, and end up giving a ton of tiny samples to the thrift shop like once a year. It may appear to be a waste, but what if I find something life changing in a sample that I never would have bought otherwise??? Anyway, these people kept turing me down even with the incentive of my nice sunblock sample.
The second reason why I was shocked was that I was actively trying to get people take these stupid bags. I was making eye contact and smiling and and talking up a storm, but still I was shut down. Again I am not sure why people were putting up with all of my talking and listening to my whole speech before saying no. Why not just take my little bag and keep on your way? When someone hands me something, I just accept it and keep walking. Why listen when you can just grab and go? You can always toss it later.
I think by the end of four years at the U, I had about 17 little green New Testaments, 9,000 Amnestiy International flyers, and more band promos then I could count. (Vegas was even worse with the "hot nude girls" flyers. I think I had an entire rain forest of them by the end of my trip)
But these folks I was attempting to give to are not like me at all. . Either I take more crap than most people or those hander-outers at the U are true professionals and I have a thing or two to learn.